Jan 23, 2011

Precedent Studies

Interactive Eco-System Installation
By two Amsterdam artists, Theodore Watson and Emily Gobeille of Zara Parade.

This is an interactive ecosystem where children used their body movements to influence the life of a forest and a river.

Kids can use their body or place pillow rocks and logs to divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive. It is playful and instructive since if the trees lack water, they would wither and die. Kids could press their bodies against the forest to build new trees. The shape of the tree will be influenced by the child body. When the ecosystem flourishes, the kids are rewarded by the emergence of lovely flying creatures. I wish I could play!yihaaaa.....

That was a cool and awesome installation because it looked like a real fairy tale forest. The kids would stand tall and put their hands over their heads it would build a tree:)

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