Jan 25, 2011

Critique 03 : Content Acquisition

The quickening pace of modernization leading to corresponding acceleration in man's impact on the natural environment of the region. The flora fauna is under heavy attack from a number of economic activities. Human activities is the main causes of the extinction flora fauna happened which are destruction of habitat, environmental pollution, hunting, forest fires, and physical alteration of environment.

Extinction of flora fauna happened because of humans' attitudes:
-      Eager to achieve modernity without thinking the impact on flora fauna
-      Think that economy is more important
-      Selfishness
-      Greedy

What should do about conservation flora fauna? :
-      No deforestation
-      No hunting
-      No forest fires
-      No environmental pollution
-      Join club or any environmental events
-      Go parks, or any recreational area
-      Do recycle, reuse and reduce
-      Campaign for public awareness

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