Jan 26, 2011


Promo Video

This is test version of my teaser using Adobe After Effect.......but need to change a little bit content of my video..


Below is the final teaser, but have some problem when render it (coz no soundddd, huhuhu). Then I fixed using the other software. Enjoy:) 


[click to enlarge]

Jan 25, 2011

Critique 03 : Content Development (functional spec)

Functional Spec Sheet 01

[click to enlarge]

Functional Spec Sheet 02


Critique 03 : Content Development (conceptual diagram)

The concept for my installation will be something like below :

[click to enlarge]
It will have a projector, a webcam, a pc and a speaker. When someone enter the projection area, the webcam will detect motion and generates 2d animation onto the wall.

Critique 03 : Content Development (flowchart)

[click to enlarge]

Critique 03 : Content Development

1) This is my rough flow of my installation


1) Starts with the video intro.
2) A black empty screen with a dead flower and silent forest background music.

3) When detect a person, 2d animation will be generate with sound effect and sound backgroud.


2)This is rough sketches of my flow content for the introduction of my installation. It will consist of some typography and images of causes extinction flora and fauna. There are also some music background for the video.

[click to enlarge]

* This is only my rough sketches, maybe it will be difference for the actual video :p 

Critique 03 : Content Acquisition

The quickening pace of modernization leading to corresponding acceleration in man's impact on the natural environment of the region. The flora fauna is under heavy attack from a number of economic activities. Human activities is the main causes of the extinction flora fauna happened which are destruction of habitat, environmental pollution, hunting, forest fires, and physical alteration of environment.

Extinction of flora fauna happened because of humans' attitudes:
-      Eager to achieve modernity without thinking the impact on flora fauna
-      Think that economy is more important
-      Selfishness
-      Greedy

What should do about conservation flora fauna? :
-      No deforestation
-      No hunting
-      No forest fires
-      No environmental pollution
-      Join club or any environmental events
-      Go parks, or any recreational area
-      Do recycle, reuse and reduce
-      Campaign for public awareness

Jan 23, 2011

Precedent Studies

Interactive Eco-System Installation
By two Amsterdam artists, Theodore Watson and Emily Gobeille of Zara Parade.

This is an interactive ecosystem where children used their body movements to influence the life of a forest and a river.

Kids can use their body or place pillow rocks and logs to divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive. It is playful and instructive since if the trees lack water, they would wither and die. Kids could press their bodies against the forest to build new trees. The shape of the tree will be influenced by the child body. When the ecosystem flourishes, the kids are rewarded by the emergence of lovely flying creatures. I wish I could play!yihaaaa.....

That was a cool and awesome installation because it looked like a real fairy tale forest. The kids would stand tall and put their hands over their heads it would build a tree:)

Jan 22, 2011

Contextual Studies

Sorry for the late update..
We had some lectures on contextual studies with  Mr Kok Yoong and we have to list up our contextual studies of out final project. And this is my contextual studies.

Institutional context
Extinction of flora and fauna is an “institutional context” because it happens from my life experience. Everyday news and the real life experience.

Social Context
Second, human activities is the main causes of the extinction flora fauna which are the destruction of habitat, environmental pollution, hunting, forest fires, and physical alteration of environment. It is causing the big impact of the flora and fauna.

Political Context
Then, the roles of NGO’s for conservation of flora fauna on how they help to reduce the extinction of flora fauna and how they do conserving of flora fauna for public awareness.

Jan 20, 2011

2D Animation

Content for my interactive wall will be using 2d animation. As part of my project, I do some research about 2d animation. The software that I will using are Adobe Flash and Adobe Illustrator.

Based on Wikipedia, 2D animation figures are created and/or edited on the computer using 2D bitmap graphics or created and edited using 2D vector graphics. This includes automated computerized versions of traditional animation techniques such as of tweening, morphing, onion skinning and interpolated rotoscoping.
    •  Analog computer animation
    • Flash animation
    •  PowerPoint animation

A Flash animation or Flash cartoon is an animated film which is created using Adobe Flash or similar animation software and often distributed in the .swf file format. The term Flash animation not only refers to the file format but to a certain kind of movement and visual style which, in many circles, is seen as simplistic or unpolished. However, with dozens of Flash animated television series, countless more Flash animated television commercials, and award-winning online shorts in circulation, Flash animation is enjoying a renaissance.

In the late 1990s, when for most Internet users, bandwidth was still at 56 kbit/s, many Flash animation artists employed limited animation or cutout animation when creating projects intended for web distribution. This allowed artists to release shorts and interactive experiences well under 1 MB, which could stream both audio and high-end animation. One example is the first episode of The Goddamn George Liquor Program released in 1999, rendered at only 628kB.
Example of flash animation :



Webcam Zone Trigger

My project will be using motion detection; I do some research about the software that I am going to use for my final project.

Based on wikipedia, motion can be detected by measuring change in speed or vector of an object or objects in the field of view. This can be achieved either by mechanical devices that physically interact with the field or by electronic devices that quantify and measure changes in the given environment.

Webcam Zone Trigger is the application that turns webcam to a motion-sensing security camera. It isn't just for security anymore, but it will detect motion within area and when triggered, it will perform an actions such key press using Adobe Flash.

Below is an example video using Webcam Zone Trigger.

*It's cool right??

link :