Nov 17, 2010

Its the fact!

      Nowadays, many countries are trying to achieve a modern country without thinking the impact to the environment. The unplanned development such as construction building can destroy natural habitat (flora and fauna) and expose our life to pollution and global warming. The construction of building makes the flora and fauna lost in their natural habitat beside the urban area will lost the beautiful of the flora and fauna scenery. Animals and plants will have to travel to keep up with shifting climate belts caused by global warming, says a new study. Those in mountain regions, however, face a lower risk of being overtaken by changing climate due to large temperature swings with elevation. One upon a time, adaptation to global warming was dubbed a cop-out, a way to duck the challenge of reducing, and ultimately eliminating, greenhouse-gas emissions from cars, factories, and power plants. On the other hand, based on some research by General Conference of UNESCO it being said that it is clear that many areas set aside, under government control or sponsorship, for the conservation of flora & fauna, still fall short of minimum acceptable standards or criteria applicable to “National Parks and Equivalent Reserves”, under the strict technical. Thus, they do not and cannot, as at present constituted, fulfill the basic purposes for which it must be assumed they were created. Although in most cases neither intended nor suited to have more national parks, they are nevertheless fully capable of making a valuable contribution to conservation by safeguarding particular species of flora and fauna. They are willing to have a great and large building rather than save the flora & fauna.

(taken from my SRI research)

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