Nov 30, 2010

Critique 02 : Idea Development I

TouchMagix’ introduces Multi Sensor, Multi Projector support for MotionMagix range of interactive systems. Now you can connect upto 4 projectors and 4 sensors to create a seamless interactive wall or interactive floor system with a single PC.

This is and example of interactive wall and interactive floor system. In my project I will have an interactive wall which is when people enter the projection area, the system tracks motion and generates real time art/graphic.

For the introduction, I will have some infographic that will show about the extinction of flora and fauna. It is also give us some mood of we are about to loss of flora fauna.

Example of info graphic that I will be using for my project :

Nov 28, 2010

Critique 02 : Research and Analysis III

Industrial and Development in Malaysia..

The development of Malaysia's economy depends on manufacturing industries, especially electronics, chemicals and rubber. However, the increasing rate of production has resulted in the addition of pollution emissions of organic and inorganic gases, chemicals and dust. A wide range of industries producing different contaminant. 

For example, the chemical releases of pollutants that are based on different compounds of nitrogen and sulfur, while the oil refinery emits smoke containing sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons. Metals industry is responsible for polluting the air with sulfur dioxide and toxic dust. Some pollutants, particularly carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that can cause extremely harmful climate change worldwide. In addition to the release of toxic substances into the air, the development of the premises or an industrial zone without careful planning and control will lead to noise pollution and vibration. Activities at construction sites and sounds of exhaust fan in the factories are among the examples of activities that produce high noise levels.

The causes of all the industrial and development also affects our flora and fauna, forest and our green scenery. Day by day, the natural habitat will extinct if we do not worry and care about these problem. We also have to face pollution problem such as :-

Water Pollution
As Malaysia is fast becoming an industrial country, many of our rivers have become polluted due to the many wastes that have been poured out into her rivers. Such as the paper making industry, it requires chemicals, often poisonous in its production. The human’s behavior, the rivers are used as an outlet for the chemicals to drain away, in turn harming the waters and the lives that revolve around them.
As a result of aggressive development, many of the forest have been chopped down. The surrounding soils have no roots to hold on to and soon erode when the rains come. The soil runs into the rivers and soon the rivers become murky and shut out all the sunlight from reaching the aquatic life in the rivers and streams and this caused them to die.

Land Pollution
In Cameron Highlands, in the state of Pahang, one of the many places where vegetables as well as tea which it is famous for, is planted, human activity has taken to fragile the environment. Large scale farming has caused thousands of acres of forest land to be ploughed up and the habitat of thousands, maybe even millions of wildlife has been destroyed. A lot of wildlife flee or migrate to escape the dangers and activities of man. Unknown by them, they cause an imbalance in their ecosystem, making some areas too densely populated with predators and not enough food to go around.

Air Pollution
Malaysia has risen to the industrial age, not wanting to be left behind in the dark ages anymore, but at the cost of the environment. Many industrial zones have been approved by the government to be set up in mostly forestland and uninhabited areas. One very good example of the industrial zone is of Shah Alam in the state of Selangor. As a result, trees have been cut down to accommodate towards the building of large industrial factories.

Not only has the oxygen supply been decreased, these factories are spewing out poisonous gases in the course of its production. Shah Alam is now one of the most densely populated areas as well as one of the most highly polluted areas in the country, and yet it is not the only one. One can imagine the amount of people who will be affected by the long side effects of the pollution from the gases.

Save our environment!
Nowadays, environmental issues have become a challenging issue. As a consumer, how we can face this challenge? We can save this world using many ways, including:-

1) Bring your own bag when you are shopping because plastic bags are not environmental-friendly and cannot be biodegrade.
2) Stop from using pesticide. Planting certain plants at your home can help to prevent from pests attack.
3) Avoid using Styrofoam-based products since Styrofoam cannot be biodegrade and destroy ozone layer.
4) Switch off your television, computer and stereo when you not using it because these things consume about 10 to 6o percent of energy source, that can contribute to global warming.

The reality is, we only have this world to live. We should conserve it for the future generations. It is hard to change our habit but always remember that our future generations have rights to have what we had had. Federation of Malaysian Consumer Association found that consumer's behavior towards environment is still questionable even though environment is a part of their right that is to live in a clean and save environment.

References :

Nov 27, 2010

Critique 02 : Research and Analysis II


I have found some article about flora fauna..

Everything on Earth is interconnected, and when one thing is changed, it alters everything else. This is known as the butterfly effect, and it is seen every day.

How does global warming set off a chain reaction to effect plants and animals around the world? Like humans, plants and animals need certain conditions to be comfortable and productive. If the thermostat at your office is set too low, you get cold and cannot work as well. The same thing happens with plants and animals. If it is too warm or too cold, they cannot reproduce at the same rate. When plants slow down there growth, they are not replenished rapidly enough to support all of the animals which usually feed off of them. Fewer plants mean that that area can support fewer plant eating animals. Less plant eaters lead to a decrease in the number of predatory animals. By affecting the way trees grow, the entire food chain is thrown off balance. Humans are a part of the food chain as well, and when we kill off plants and animals through the changes in the climate we have brought about, we ultimately shorten our own life spans.

** I am very agree with this statement because as a fact, we are interconnected with the others in the earth, so everything that human do for our nature, finally it will affected back on human. As the environmental issues nowadays, it was cause by the human's activity  itself. Do you agree?

Taken from :

Nov 26, 2010

Critique 02 : Research and Analysis I


As a part of research for my fyp’s project, I have read some article about environmental problem and come out with some short research.   

           When countries develop rapidly, human population will increase. This causes the human demand on a needs are high. This happens when people need a place to live, work, electricity and water supply, transport, food, etc. to ensure they get a better life.   But this demand arises due to the economic and demographic conditions. Latin America, South and West Asia countries, Europe is emerging from the Industrial sector, farming, commerce and agriculture requires vast areas of land for construction of factories, opening new land for agriculture / farming and the development of new towns to enhance economic. In addition, people who want the lifestyle of a better life such as housing, electricity and water supply, car and other causes demand for natural resources is increasing. Migration from one country to another country illegally or through the proper channels also causes them to migrate to get jobs chance and change their lifestyle. Management of natural resources is not planned as rampant deforestation, unregulated effluent discharge and disposal of toxic waste into the river and the black smoke emissions to the atmosphere can cause pollution to the environment.

The environmental impacts are:

Water Resource Problems
Supply of clean water is polluted and depleted the felling of trees in water catchment areas and river pollution as a result of soil erosion and dumping of toxic waste.

Solid Waste Management System
Production of human garbage that more and more landfills are not systematically cause leach ate from garbage into a nearby river or seep into groundwater and pollute the water supply.

The high number of pests such as rats, flies and cockroaches that could spread disease to humans became widespread.

Air Pollution
Carbon dioxide emissions, chlorophyll carbon (CFCs), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other gases from the smoke of vehicles and factories contribute to pollution of the environment that could cause the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion.

Health Problems
Contaminated water contains toxic materials, carrying the diseases for human and animal such as cholera, cholera and others.

Deforestation, uncontrolled and unplanned could lead to species of flora and fauna will become extinct very valuable.

Global climate change
Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere results from fossil fuel combustion is trapped in the atmosphere and causing Earth to warm. When the Earth's temperature increases, sea level is high and this will cause flooding. The problem is the heat of the earth will also produce a prolonged drought.

How to solve this problem?? It is through the three things that should be emphasized that stabilizing the population, the use of resources and effective management of resources.

Stabilize population
When we are able to control the population growth rate, we can reduce the demand on natural populations. This allows a country to focus on the nation's financial education, health and job chances. By controlling the rate of population as well, he was able to increase productivity and quality of life when people are able to save and invest with a good financial.

Adopt Recycling
By adopting the attitude of recycling waste materials, recycling of materials used, reducing the purchase of materials that are recyclable and environmentally friendly practices such as reducing electricity and water consumption can reduce the use of natural resources in the production of a product.

Effective resource management
Manage and control the natural resources efficiently and effectively. With these resources can survive in the long run. To find alternative sources that could replace the existing resources will assist in preserving natural resources from extinction.

Sustainable Development
To achieve sustainable development matters should be combined with the economic, social, political and ecological in order to achieve stability and to create a balanced quality of life along with the development of national development.

** In conclusion, the world's population growth and awareness in preserving the environment are global problems facing the world community today in order to ensure sustainable development to ensure the people of the world get a better quality of life.

References :



Nov 17, 2010

Its the fact!

      Nowadays, many countries are trying to achieve a modern country without thinking the impact to the environment. The unplanned development such as construction building can destroy natural habitat (flora and fauna) and expose our life to pollution and global warming. The construction of building makes the flora and fauna lost in their natural habitat beside the urban area will lost the beautiful of the flora and fauna scenery. Animals and plants will have to travel to keep up with shifting climate belts caused by global warming, says a new study. Those in mountain regions, however, face a lower risk of being overtaken by changing climate due to large temperature swings with elevation. One upon a time, adaptation to global warming was dubbed a cop-out, a way to duck the challenge of reducing, and ultimately eliminating, greenhouse-gas emissions from cars, factories, and power plants. On the other hand, based on some research by General Conference of UNESCO it being said that it is clear that many areas set aside, under government control or sponsorship, for the conservation of flora & fauna, still fall short of minimum acceptable standards or criteria applicable to “National Parks and Equivalent Reserves”, under the strict technical. Thus, they do not and cannot, as at present constituted, fulfill the basic purposes for which it must be assumed they were created. Although in most cases neither intended nor suited to have more national parks, they are nevertheless fully capable of making a valuable contribution to conservation by safeguarding particular species of flora and fauna. They are willing to have a great and large building rather than save the flora & fauna.

(taken from my SRI research)

Nov 16, 2010

Environmental Quote's

"Let every individual and institution now think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth, seeking choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will provide a sustainable future, eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, awaken the wonder of life and foster peaceful progress in the human adventure."
— John McConnell, founder of International Earth Day