Oct 24, 2010

Proposal 1

Title: Home Music Jamming!

Theme: Old Media New Story

Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that we perceive as challenging or threatening. Overwork, violence at workplace, sexual harassment, workplace bullying produce “Distress”. For teenagers, they release their stress with hanging out with friends at a shopping complex, go to jamming studio, lepaking at mamak stall, and others.

Problem Identification:
-- Some teenagers spend their time outside with friends and go home for sleep only.
-- We can’t handle stress maturely and doing stupid action.

Aim and Objectives:
-- Pleasant teenagers with meaningful time in a fun way.
-- Attract people in playing musical instruments.
-- Experience teenagers with the new environment of music field.

Spend most of time outside with friend let me feel bored and I want to have some new experience with the music.

Ideation and Concept:
For my installation, I want to create a “home music jamming” interactive wall. If hands or any objects that are routed shadow on the wall, there will be interactivity between the person and the music instruments and it will produce sound effect.

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