Apr 20, 2011

Actionscript 2 (part 2)

Script for detect no interaction and it will proceed to first frame
Script for rollover movie clip and load movie
script for load movie (animation tree)
Script for cursor (butterfly)
After published, the butterfly following the cursor
Script for flower garden, using math random
After published, click in the bottom area random flower will come out

Apr 15, 2011

Interactive Whiteboard II

Today I meet Mr Kok Yong to see the interactive whiteboard. Mr Kok Yong brief a lil bit about the function of interactive board and demo how gonna use the interactive whiteboard. Its kinda interesting with the interactive whiteboard, it is a multitouch screen that allow we to click, drag, touch, write and many more.

interactive whiteboard
I also test with my work (not done yet, still in progress). Mr Kok Yong said that I should change the content info about tree which is boring pop up info with infographic, dynamic animation about save tree (insert some action if people don't save tree) and story telling to convey information about saving tree. It will be more interesting, achieve the target of interactive installation and informative for audience.

p/s : Thank you so much sir for the comment and I'll work on it:)

Apr 14, 2011

Actionscript 2 (part 1)

Print Screen of Coding and references for my content.

Script for attach sound
Script for go to the next frame

Script for particles (intro)
The result after published
Load movie from swf file

Script for click on the tree and butterfly appear


p/s : And thank to Mr Hafiz for helping me with the coding too:)

Working in Progress

For the process of making the content, I used Adobe Flash to animate it. Here some print screen for making of the animation.

1. Intro, instruction

Doing the intro for Awareness Flora Fauna, using gradient for the background and animate using classic motion tween.
2. Info About Tree 

Doing the box in Adobe Illustrator and animate the box in Adobe Flash. When click the question mark, there will be a sound click and the box appear.
3. Tree 
Some changes from what I have done before, Mr Hafiz said I must use mask to create animation for the tree. The tree that I have create before is not smooth and so ugly.

Create a new layer for masking and different keyframe for the movements of tree growing 
Doing a masking for the leaf in a new layer

Mask using motion tween to have smoothly movements of leaf grow
Change the color of tree using gradient
4. Butterfly

Doing different movie clip for each part of butterfly's body
 Make a new movie clip to animate the butterfly
doing different movement of butterfly, using classic motion tween
 full animation of butterfly fly freedom