Mar 29, 2011

Interactive Whiteboard

I had meet Mr Kok Yong on 22nd March 2011 and he suggested for me to using an interactive whiteboard for the project, due to others are not using the interactive whiteboard. I am not familiar with that, I hope I do not have any problem with it. Keep thinking how my project will be :)

What is Interactive Whiteboard?

An interactive whiteboard is a piece of hardware that looks much like a standard whiteboard but it connects to a computer and a projector in the classroom to make a very powerful tool. When connected, the interactive whiteboard becomes a giant, touch-sensitive version of the computer screen.

Instead of using the mouse, it can control computer through the interactive whiteboard screen just by touching it with a special pen (or, on some types of boards, with your finger).

Things that needs to be along with the interactive whiteboard

Link :

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