Mar 30, 2011


There are a few sound that I will use for my project, list of sound music and sound effect are:-

Sound effects
- alarm (intro Awareness Flora Fauna)
- alert (tree growing)
- buzz (info button)

Credits to Hungarianz Rhapsody 2 by Liszt and Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaicovsky, both of these song from album VA - 100 Materpiece - The Top 100 of Classical Music. ( music background of butterflies and dragonflies animation )

There will be another sound, I'll upadate later :)

Gantt Chart

(click to enlarge)

Final Proposal

Title: Awareness of Flora Fauna.

Theme: Body, Identity and Sensors

Nowadays, many countries are trying to achieve a modern country without thinking the impact to the environment. The unplanned development such as construction building can destroy natural habitat (flora and fauna) and expose our life to pollution and global warming. The construction of building makes the flora and fauna lost in their natural habitat beside the urban area will lost the beautiful of the flora and fauna scenery. This study is creating the interactive wall in order to make environmental scenery in town.

Problem Identification:
• Greenery in urban environment is lost
• Construction that lead us to loss our beautiful scenery of flora and fauna.

Aim and Objectives:
-- To let people experience the mood of flora fauna.
-- To create awareness about extinction of flora and fauna.
-- To let the people realize meaningful time they spent with flora and fauna.
-- To educate people to love environment in interactive and fun way.

I want to create the flora and fauna view in urban place because I love to see greenery scenery and keep the environment in a place that can be enjoyed by others people.

Design Approach:
Interactive wall installation

Ideation and Concept:
When people enter the projection area, the system tracks motion and generates real time 2D art/graphic animationart/graphic which is projected onto the interactive whiteboard. The intention of this study is to create a dynamic visual experience within the space.

Funky Forest
Interactive ecosystem where children create trees with their body and then divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive.


Below are the content for my project. My project require a lot of animation using Adobe Flash and design in Adobe Illustrator. So, there are some print screens of work that I have done.

 the making of intro Awareness Flora Fauna
 the making of tree grows animation using flash.

The complete animation of tree growing

Complete design of dragonfly using flash

the making of butterfly animation using flash

 Background info of information about tree and its rollover button

I do the animation separately, so I only have to combine everything when all the animation is settled:)

The animation that have been published.

Animation of dragonfly

Animation of dragonfly

Animation of tree growing

Mar 29, 2011

Final Contract

Floor Plan ( side view )

Floor Plan ( top view )



Interactive Whiteboard

I had meet Mr Kok Yong on 22nd March 2011 and he suggested for me to using an interactive whiteboard for the project, due to others are not using the interactive whiteboard. I am not familiar with that, I hope I do not have any problem with it. Keep thinking how my project will be :)

What is Interactive Whiteboard?

An interactive whiteboard is a piece of hardware that looks much like a standard whiteboard but it connects to a computer and a projector in the classroom to make a very powerful tool. When connected, the interactive whiteboard becomes a giant, touch-sensitive version of the computer screen.

Instead of using the mouse, it can control computer through the interactive whiteboard screen just by touching it with a special pen (or, on some types of boards, with your finger).

Things that needs to be along with the interactive whiteboard

Link :

Mar 16, 2011


Regarding to submit the final contract on Thursday (17th March 2011), I had consult with Mr Kok Yong about my floor plan, flowchart and storyboard.  Mr Kok Yong said that my floor plan and storyboard is ok but my flowchart needs to change a lil bit.

Too messy right? I need to rearrange my flowchart.

I also had meet Mr Hafiz to ask about the difference between zone trigger and Kinect. It looks like the Kinect is more interesting for my project because my project uses more interaction points of user, but I need to invest to buy the Kinect. Oh no! I need to think back:p

Mar 11, 2011


Welcome FYP 2! 

Here we go. On the first week, the task was given for us to submit our Floor Plan, Flowchart and Storyboard. But we need to consult first with lecturers. Keep looking to finish my FYP 2.