Feb 9, 2011

Content Development

1) This is my rough flow of my installation


1) Starts with the video intro.
 2) Then, there is a screen with an alert sound to draw audience's attention. Many black particles are floating which is represents the pollution. Red sky represents increased Earth temperature that causing the extinction of flora fauna.

3) When the user's hand drag upward the wall, a tree will grow up. The more user drag upward, the taller and bigger will be the tree. The more hands drag upward at the same time the faster will the tree grows. 

When there are more trees, the sky will become less reddish and the alert sound will slowly disappear. It means that if more people participate in tree planting with less deforestation, more carbon dioxide can be absorbed from the atmosphere and it helps to reduce the threat of global warming and extinction of flora fauna.

4) After the tree grows up, and the sky is clear (means no pollution) there will be some animation of dragonflies and butterflies fly freedom in the screen. It means when our mother nature is not polluted, the fauna will have a great life.
When the user touch the question mark, there will be a screen pop up which is the info about the importance of trees. The screen will pop up a few seconds, and then it will disappear.
**When there is no interaction with the user, the alert sound will be heard and the sky will become reddish. (It showed that if we are doing the deforestation, continuing with the development without thinking of our nature, our mother nature will lack of oxygen and drowning with pollution)

2) This is rough sketches of my flow content for the introduction of my installation. It will consist of some typography and images of causes extinction flora and fauna. There are also some music background for the video.


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