May 15, 2011


Introductory Video

This is my project's introductory video:)

Presentation Seminar

This is slides for presentation seminar:)
Presentation seminar


This is poster for my project:)

[click to enlarge]


[Offline Mode]

Let's experience this, please follow these instruction ;

1. Touch the yellow dots.
2. Drag the botom area.
3. Touch the question mark button and see what happens.
4. The tree are clickable.
5. Drag the sky, and feel it.


The unplanned development such as construction building that destroy natural habitat (flora and fauna) and expose our life to pollution and global warming. The construction of building makes the flora and fauna lost in their natural habitat beside the urban area will lost the beautiful of the flora and fauna scenery. Animals and plants will have to travel to keep up with shifting climate belts caused by global warming. Everyday sickness of pollution lead me to have an interactive way for people to have a new way of informative education.

Awareness Flora Fauna is an interactive installation about the awareness of extinction flora fauna in our mother nature. This interactive installation combines an animation of flora fauna, info graphics about trees, some effects and cool sounds. This project is to give message and to create awareness for public about extinction of flora fauna. The extinction of flora fauna becomes worst and this interaction wall installation will let people experience the mood of flora fauna, create awareness about extinction of flora fauna, let people realize meaningful time spent with flora fauna and to educate people to love environment in interactive way.

Interactive wall installation is a technique under the category interaction with user when the users have ability to touch, drag and feel the real situation in the forest. In this installation, i use interactive white board to let people interact with my project. No limit of interaction for user, because every single space in the interactive white board have own function.

It starts with alert sound to drag people’s attention, a lot of black particles (represents pollution) floating in the air and red sky means increasing the earth temperature that causing the extinction of flora fauna. Users need to touch the land area and a tree will grow up. When there are more trees, the sky will become less reddish and clear. It means that if more people participate tree planting with less deforestation, it helps reduce extinction flora fauna.

After the tree grows up, the users will touch the tree and animation of dragonflies and butterflies fly freedom will appear in the screen. Users also need to touch the bottom area, and a lot of random flower will appear. It means when our environment is not polluted, the flora fauna will have a great life. The users need to touch the question mark to see the info graphic about the importance of tree. Besides, when there is no interaction with user, the alert sound will be heard and the sky will become reddish. It showed that if we are doing the deforestation, continuing with the development without thinking our nature, our mature nature will lack of oxygen and drowning with pollution.