Dec 2, 2010

Critique 02 : Method

“Interactive Wall Installation” - The main definition of an interactive wall is a very large, high-resolution display which can be touch-sensitive. The content displayed on these interactive screens is generally the same that could be found on a desktop computer but magnified onto a larger area. 

The “touch” functionality may be extremely reduced to standard elements (like buttons, images, links, etc…) or extended to a complete user control. In this case, user is able to interact with the wall by accomplishing dynamic actions. 

The second inherent definition is to consider an interactive wall as a collaborative tool due to the fact that it moves the interaction space from the desktop to a wall. This use case requires that the content has been specially designed to take advantage of large interactive displays.

My project will be using a webcam (zone trigger), projector, pc and speaker. The software I will use is Adobe Flash which I will create an animation using flash for the content. Then, I will use zone trigger in order to interact the user with the wall.

My project will be using :-

1)Zone Trigger - The Zone Trigger enabling anyone to incorporate motion or sound detection. On detecting motion, Zone Trigger can do almost anything: play sounds, run programs or commands, take control of other software, send email and files over the internet. Plus it has many extra features such as an HTTP server and archive services.




Dec 1, 2010

Critique 02 : Idea Development II

As a part of research content for my fyp’s project, I have read some online magazines for my idea development. 

There are a lot of information about conservation of flora fauna. It also have some info about overall flora fauna in the world.

I have read some article, which is about the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). The Malaysian Nature Society has done a programme to create awareness about flora fauna which is Public Participation Training Programme (PPTP). PPTP is a programme which allows participants to understand the mechanisms of public participation in the process of land use planning through examples, review techniques, discussions and hands-on training. The programme was first initiated in 2003, through the MNS Centre for Environmental Training, Research and Education (CENTRE) which hopes to encourage public interest in land use decision making.

Structure and local plans are carried out by states and districts respectively, and determines the geographical location and type of land use and development that will be pursued for the next 10 to 20 years. By participating in this process, you can help ensure the best use of the land while ensuring the protection of your favourite recreational park or bird-watching spot.